
Realise Educational Group in Saudi Arabia

Realise Educational Group in Saudi Arabia

https://realisetraining.com 03334445055 @learning-employment.com
0 Open Positions

About Business Network

About Realise

Realise promote people’s growth. Realise is a group of 450 intelligent professionals who offer motivating and significant training packages. Over 7,000 learners are motivated by us each year thanks to our person-centered culture.

Our history

Realise has been offering training for a long time. Since our inception more than 35 years ago in Sheffield, we have been providing work-based learning. Over the years, we’ve used a variety of forms, always encouraging and advancing students. Following a management buyout in October 2020, we’ve only lately began to take off as an independently training company. We continue to have a good influence on the people, communities, and economy of the UK.

At the FE Week & AELP AAC Apprenticeship Awards in 2022, we received the privilege of being chosen as apprenticeship provider of the year.


To understand, motivate, and support our students’ success, we actively engage them. Our business is flexible, reliable, and knowledgeable, and our culture encourages inquiry and a beneficial impact.


All of our training bundles are customised for our learners, their employers, or sectors based on their interests and industry knowledge. Each essential program is jointly developed by our employers and our trainers to accomplish the particular goals of those programs.


All of our lessons is supported by the strong relationships we build with our students. We create alliances with individuals and groups based on reliable advice, knowledge, and curiosity. Every day, we honored to collaborate with a diverse group of students and employers from a variety of industries.

Human & approachable

We’re real people that want to relate and understand. We honestly hear about your interests and provide fair advice. Our mission is to support you in achieving your goals because we deeply care about both our learners and our employers.

Curious & passionate

We unlock creativity and find more effective remedies when we are curious. Realise is pleased to be a curious group of people because of this. We broaden our effect, open up new opportunities, and unlock new possibilities when we ask questions.

Trusted partners

When we do training, we work as an addition to your team. We accomplish this through effective communication, dependable partnerships, and customised programs. Trust is the basis of our relationships, and employers depend on us to perform consistently.

The way we work

Every action we take centres around conversation. Living by eight behaviours that developed with our people has resulted in our culture. They guide our hiring, promotion, development, and compensation decisions.


“You are honest and genuine. Communicate with colleagues often but succinctly, favouring informal approaches over formal ones. To admit mistakes freely and openly”


“You nurture and embrace differing perspectives and backgrounds. Acknowledge we all have unconscious biases and strive to overcome them. Intervene if someone else is not being included”


“You seek what is best for Realise, rather than what is best for you or your team. Make time to help colleagues. And build strong relationships with people at all levels”


“You inspire others with your drive. Care intensely about learners, employers and Realise’s success. And tenacious and optimistic”


“You actively oversee your personal growth. Try to find out why things go smoothly or badly and take appropriate action. And recommend changes and implement them to make things run more smoothly”


“You need to understand our market, strategy, and employers. Outside of your field of knowledge, you effectively contribute. Will you have a thorough understanding of our sector and the funded training market”


“You get things done and do it the right way. Demonstrate consistently strong performance and colleagues can rely on you. Are proactive and don’t wait to be told to do something”


“You have the courage to make decisions. When you need to consult further to make a decision. Make smart decisions, using data, your knowledge and experience”.

Meet our team

If you’d like to get to know the people who make it happen at Realise, this is the perfect place to start.

Get to know us

Realise’s greatest asset is its staff. We take pride in having built a team of knowledgeable trainers and support staff who are all polite, approachable, and devoted to their work.


Realise is commit to upholding our dedication to preserving, preventing, and maintaining people’s safety and awareness of dangers and threats.

What safeguarding covers

All people’s rights to health, wellbeing, and protection from abuse, harm, and neglect are protect to ensure this.

Our commitment

We want to be sure that everyone who use Realise is secure. We achieve this through use Tootoot to report and manage incidents when they do occur, our dedicate safeguarding and welfare team, our rules and processes, and safeguarding as a vital component of our curriculum.

Our team

A designate safeguarding lead and seven deputies, each assigned to a different area of the curriculum and business, constitute Realise’s well-establish and highly effective safeguarding and welfare team. Through the management structure and all the way to the board level, there are distinct lines of accountability. Furthermore, the safety and welfare team in England built solid connections with local governments and NGOs.

Career opportunities

We work across multiple sectors, at a range of levels and these employment and apprenticeship opportunities are for any age.

Progress your career

Your career will improved by professional learning. Our selection of authorize classes has been carefully select to have the greatest possible impact so that you can thrive in your chosen employment field.

Professional recognition

We work alongside key industry authorities to ensure that you receive the professional recognition you deserve, and our courses are tailor to your field. These organizations include the Association for Project Management, the Chartered Institute for Professional Development, and the Institute for Leadership and Management.

Supercharge your career

A professional education can improve your job prospects, enable you to succeed in your current position, or possibly result in a promotion. Our selection of courses has been create by professionals with years of industry experience.

Adult learning

Whether it’s a short course to help support progression into work, a qualification to grow your skills or even a training course for your workforce to help develop their talent further, we have the expertise to support you.

Local courses

Our programs can be modify to match your needs and are free and flexible. You can accomplish your objectives with the help of the extensive selection of sector-specific training packages, specialised programmes, and essential support services for our English and maths courses.

We have the insight, knowledge, expertise, and resources necessary to help you have a successful future, whatever your motivations for being interested in adult learning courses may be.

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