
Jeffrey B. Cervantes


Jeffrey B. Cervantes

Customer Service Representative

[email protected]

Member Since 2023

Candidates About

Jeffrey Cervantes
[email protected]

• Find a responsible job opportunity that will allow me to make the most of my education and experience and contribute significantly to the company’s success.

• 2 year computer programming vocational course
• Bachelor of Science in Marine Technology third year

Work and Related Experience
• Field Surveyor / Area Supervisor
• Encoder / Enumerator/ Facilitator
• Encoder / Enumerator/ Cartographer/ Supervisor
• Customer Service Representative

Awards and Honors:
• promoted to agent level 2 to BPO Company
• promoted to Quality Assurance to BPO Company
• promoted to Supervisor in Government Project Base

• Playing Ukulele and Guitar
• Mountain Climbing

Skills :
• People skills include ownership, empathy, patience, listening, and adaptability.

Candidate Overview